W9ZT Brad in Darboy, WI

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Finally got my Swan 600 Twins up and running

TR-4C and speaker

All of a sudden the Tempo One is becomming a hit!


OK, time to burn in those new finals on VSBN!


Swan 240

The Swan SW-240 was Swan's first multi-band and only tri-band SSB transceiver made. It has no S-meter function! They were built from Nov 1962 through Feb 1964, when it was subsequently replaced by the model 400 5-band transceiver. This one was manufactured in 1963. The power amplifier uses a single, horizontally mounted 6DQ5 tube and input PEP is specified at 240W. This was a fun and easy radio to restore. I got it cheapo because there was no modulation, turned out to be fried resistors and a bad tube in the balanced modulator. Very common problem with Swans. Also had to reduce the bias voltage to use it with my newer power supply adding 1 K resistor. The face on this one is one of the most pristine I have seen. A little cleaning up and fresh paint on the cover and presto, another piece of Swan memorabilia added to my collection!


First Hallicrafters makes it to the W9ZT shack, SR-500 Tornado
Been working on this puppy a while, band switch wafer inside was loose and several connections had broke off, wire detached in Jones Plug from power supply, tuning dial was stuck and had to revamp gear mechanism, anyway now its working pretty great 150-200 watts out when I tune it up! Had a few QSOs and audio clean and clear. A little more beat up in front than my other vintage radios. I am working on an SR-150 too and it looks real nice but having to pretty much re-tube it, obviously will be sending that pic when it is ready to check into the net